BoD Meeting

Date: 03/27/2007

Time: 7:38 PM – 10:41 PM

Place: Lindsey Sturkie Residence

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Normal Scheduled Meeting
Facilitator: Lindsey Sturkie Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees: Patrick Hedgepath, Chad Keller, Lindsey Sturkie, (Marvin Parsons, Todd Pound)


Agenda item: ARC committee put in place
Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
Discussion: The ARC paper work needs to be transferred to from the BoD to the new ARC committee. Authority to run the ARC needs to be transferred to the new ARC members. Mr. Pound's out of compliance shed was brought to the BoD attention by Chad Keller. Mr. Pound agreed to bring the shed into compliance within 90 days.
Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - The new ARC should be put in into place. Mr. Pound will be bringing the shed into compliance within 90 days.
Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
Action items:
  • Chad Keller will turn over the records to the new ARC.
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Violation Letter for Lot # 155
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Violation for leaving a trash container out in the road past the amount of time allowed.
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - Chad will investigate to see if the lot owner is leaving their trash can out too long.
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Chad Keller will investigate.
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: The next trash day 3-28-07
    Agenda item: Review of the tabled violation complaint letters from the previous meeting.
    Presenter: Chad Keller

    Lot # 53 submitted a request for their dog pen to the new ARC.

    Lot # 55 boat violation letter. The homeowner will be asked to submit for approval for the boat.

    Lot # 137 crushed driveway and lien-to. Letter needs to be sent to the homeowner asking the homeowner to file for approval.

    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - send the necessary letter's
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Chad Keller will send the proper notifications to each homeowner.
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Follow ups for lot # 118 (backwards fence) lot # 51 (parking on grass, un kept yard).
    Presenter: Lindsey
    Discussion: Never heard back from the homeowners so fines need to be sent to the homeowner.
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - Fine to be sent to lot #118 and a notification of current fees and possible future actions to be taken to be sent to lot # 51.
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Fines to be sent to the homeowners
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Minutes and storage there of
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Does Lindsey have any meeting minutes in the paper work he got from Joe Alexander. There were some minutes and they were turned over to Patrick Hedgepath the secretary. The board also discussed two different options for making the minutes available to the HoA from the web site.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: The two options we came up with will be presented at the next open HoA meeting.
    Action items:
  • Options to be presented to the HoA for complete newsletters or newsletter dates with an link to request a copy of the newsletter.
  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Report of violation procedures
    Presenter: Chad Keller

    Chad presented the board with a set of procedures for how to handle reports of violation from homeowners.

    1. Review of Covenants and Guidelines

    2. Investigation

    3. Findings: Violation or not violation

    4. Reply to complainant.

    5. Send notice to homeowner in violation

    6. Confirm compliance with homeowner in violation or start fee schedule.

    Motion made by: Chad Keller - Use these procedures for all new violations.
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Chad Keller will retype the Report of Violation of the Declaration and Regulations form.
  • Person responsible: Chad Keller
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Reimbursements - Microsoft Access
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey purchased a copy of Microsoft Access to be registered to the HoA and transferred to the person responsible for doing the assessments. This program is needed in order to use the assessment program donated to the HoA by the Paulens. Cost $229.99
    Motion made by: Chad Keller
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 2 yes 1 abstention
    Action items:
  • Lindsey to be reimbursed
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Web site contract finalized
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: The final revision of the contract between the HoA and Patrick Hedgepath was reviewed.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller - to accept the contract in it's finalized form.
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: 2 yes 1 abstention
    Action items:
  • Contract was signed and filed
  • Person responsible: Lindsey
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Reimbursement - - domain name renewal
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: domain name was up for renewal and was renewed at a cost of $9.99
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Motion second by: Chad Keller
    Conclusions: 2 yes 1 abstention
    Action items:
  • Check to be written to Patrick hedgepath in reimbursement
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Reimbursement - 2 lien removals
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Lindsey Sturkie paid to take two liens of $5 each for a total of $10
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - Lindsey Sturkie to be reimbursed
    Motion second by: Chad Keller
    Conclusions: 2 yes 1 abstention
    Action items:
  • Lindsey will be reimbursed
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Vacant lot budget from previous meeting
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Subject should be tabled until the board gets a better handle on the financial's after the treasurer resignation.
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - table until next meeting
    Motion second by: Chad Keller
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Tabled until next meeting
  • Person responsible: None
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Next Open Meeting
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Lindsey has not been able to get in touch with Mr. Strickland about the date we wanted.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Lindsey will try to get in touch with Mr. Strickland. If the date can not be secured the board will discuss a new date via email and try to secure that.
    Action items:
  • Lindsey to call Mr. Strickland
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 3-28-07
    Agenda item: Lot #87 complaint - un kept yard
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: An email complaint was received as well as several verbal complaints about the conditions of the front and side yards and the toys left out in the front yard. Violation has been visually confirmed by board members.
    Motion made by: Chad Keller - send a violation notice to the homeowner
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no votes
    Action items:
  • Violation letter to be sent
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Previous registered agent bill
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie
    Discussion: Issue that was tabled from a previous meeting regarding a bill from Mr. Alexander for being listed as the registered agent for the Longs pond HoA. Lindsey had already previously attempted to have this changed when he took office and the forms were sent back for typos. The registered agent is now officially Lindsey Sturkie. The board decided since there was no previous agreement with Mr. Alexander that the HoA is not responsible for paying the bill and that a letter should be sent back with the bill to it's origin explaining such.
    Motion made by: Lindsey Sturkie - Motion to send letter back with the bill explaining why the HoA is not responsible for paying the bill.
    Motion second by: Patrick Hedgepath
    Conclusions: 3 yes 0 no
    Action items:
  • Letter to be sent to Mr. Alexander
  • Person responsible: Lindsey Sturkie
    Deadline: 4-10-07
    Agenda item: Meeting to adjourn
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Motion made by: Patrick Hedgepath - To adjourn the meeting
    Motion second by: Lindsey Sturkie
    Conclusions: Meeting Adjourned
    Action items:
  • Person responsible: Board